



ashley0809 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

今天很幸運搶先出席Yes Man的試映會!許久沒看金凱瑞的片子,一想到他就想到「楚門的世界」,那部片是他給我印象最深刻的片子,不過有點沈重就是了。

反觀yes man 是一部在輕鬆中帶有啟發性的好電影!我最喜歡裡面有一句對話This world is a playground. (日劇“野豬大改造”也說過 在我們小時候或許這麼覺得過,但成人後都漸漸忘記這個事實。在我看完這部片子後,我有豁然開朗的感受,this is a good try, say yes to life! 


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Rocket Sneaker

地球から ステップ踏んで

ashley0809 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

It's really a hard time for me to adjust myself to the new job.

First, our working enviornment is pretty quiet. Because there are many engineers, any voice that will disturb focusing on work is prohibited. The office all day is so quiet that when I sit at my desk I feel like studying in a library. I miss the days that I could laugh and talk freely with colleagues at SITCA. Second, I have to spend much more time on my way to work. It only took 8 minutes walk to my office before. Now I have to take bus, then transfer by MRT, and walk 10 minutes to office.  Hah~sounds like I am complaining about the new enviornment...... I know "You win a few, you lose a few. " I just need some time to accept the changes.

Thank you for caring about my situation. Although facing many new things at the first week, I am fine and becoming better and better. 

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