• Jul 06 Sun 2008 20:25
  • songs

Recently I heard these songs and I was touched by the words. 


ashley0809 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Karen treated me at the restaurant several months ago.  I recommanded to Kelly and we enjoyed a happy time there this Wednesday. Their meals are fresh and with a cheaper price. Even Willy , who doesn't like Japanese meals, he said he likes their meals and will bring his friends come again. 
I think it is is a very good Japanese restaurant for friends to meet together. Recommend to you. (By the way, this picture obviously shows that I really became dark.....)
Other info:

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In order to take driving class in the early morning, I began to ride a motorcycle this week. My brother was my teacher and took me to take the licence test. 
I used to think about it is very dangerous to ride motorcycle in Taipei so I never think about to get a motorcycle license before. However, I now wish I got the license earlier because I found it is really much more convenient to go by motorcycle. However, it is also more dangerous since the traffic in Taipei is always heavy. Remembering that God is everywhere gave me a lot of courage to ride. God is everywhere. I am not alone. What a mercy! God is everywhere.

ashley0809 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Why worry?" was  the topic in Studio Classroon's English Bible study today. I like the words of the song which said "He is able more than able to handle anything comes my way." 

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