Teacher Jian found that I always judge myself because I think I should do better. He asked me "你是明天就要成仙成佛嗎? "Hah~The answer of course is not, so I really don't ask myself to be complete perfect. He always challenged me with new ideas that help me to lead my life in a practical and easier way. I expect myslef to be more patient, more matured, he said it takes time to make it true naturally. "First of all, being satisfied with yourself . After that, do what you think you can improve step by step. Then, you will naturally go on the right way ."

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  • Jun 27 Fri 2008 23:40
  • Peace

"Your word is the lamp on my feet and the light on my path. "

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Parents  are ever ready to help their children. I, as a daughter, was really happy to treat them.費玉清is my father's favorite singer. Yesterday we went to his yearly concert together. When he knew the price of the tickets, he murmured several times. However, I could feel that he was really happy in the concert. 

費玉清 is not only good at live singing. It is really more attracting than listening to the CDs. Besides, he is also a charming humorous host. His jokes were pretty funny. 

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I am excited about the coming summer vacation. May told me she listed her plans from A to Z. I think it is a good idea to do the list and I try to write down something I want to do:
A: worship God with saints. (6/22 with teacher Lai, 6/21,26 with Sandra, 7/3,7/6,7/10, Nancy,6/27,7/4 English Bible study at Studio classroom )
B: learn to play guitar. (borrowed guitar from Frank, 7/12 first class)
C: get a driving license. (6/24 applied,6/27 first drive, forward, backword, S, parking, 直線加速, 上坡起步)

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I don't like to be considered I am diligent,especially the final result is not good. In my life, this kind of events happened several years ago. I practiced  volleyball hard but I was the people who lost scores in formal game.I attended class and took notes but I got a worst score than classmates who didn't show in class but borrowed my notebook a week before exam. In those situations, my heart had unwillingness and I felt embarrased when people expected I should perform better. That's why I always remineded myself not to be considered "diligent."

Monday, this uncomfortable feeling happend again when we performed a drama in writing class. Sandy and I really felt upset since we spent a lot of time on it but in our teacher's eyes we were not pretty good. All the bad memories provoke by this event, made me uncontrolly cry after coming home. I even regreted all the efforts I made on this project until my mom said "Being diligent is your style!" 

As you sow, so shall you reap.""God helps those who help themselves." Even thought you sowed hard, there also might be some accidents. What I need is a stronger mind to accept failures and keep going on. That is my style!

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