During  these days, I found there are at least three adavantages of wearing a mask.  First, it can protect myself and people around me from being infected by flu virus .  Second, I don't have to apply suntan lotion when going outside. Third, when waiting buses on the streets, it make me breathe with cleaner air and that made feel I could live longer. Further more, it can be used as eye patck when taking a nap. 

    I found those advangtages by my personal using experience since I caught a cold for a long time these days. Now I have 5 different masks , Gradually, I am used to wearing a mask, I even think I might be a little addicted to it.

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Today SITCA held a badminton match in the sports centre of National Taipei University of Education's . After the activity , I went to dinner with my colleagues near the school. I ordered its most famous dish “Flat noodles in Squid thick soup.” Normally, I don't like Chinese think soup because they are always too thick. But I really like their soup with unique spicy sauce. Beside, the flat noodles are al dente, which is just great! Now when I just think about it, I am mouth-watering. After eating, I went to buy a Japanese drink “Asahi cocktail partner”. The alcohol content is 4 percent so I only drink it on celebrating time. Today, eating and drinking are my happiness. 

1.          badminton match 羽球賽
2.          sports centre  體育館

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To me, listening to Japanese songs is a kind of happiness.  Few weeks ago, Richard asked me "If you have to lose the ability of seeing or hearing, which one will you choose to keep?” I hadn’t thought the question but I agreed with his choice that to keep the ability of hearing.

I always listen to  Japanese songs because their lyrics are consoling and encouraging. 
Following are some examples: 

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As the corruption of the President Chen governmenthas shamed people in Taiwan, I almost forget the enthusiasm of being people here these years.   Today Taiwan's new leader President Ma takes office. In his inauguration, when he said “我們引以為傲的美麗家園.”,I felt being encouraged. Please keep your words and lead us on the right way. I am looking forward to seeing Taiwan's better tomorrows
Part lyrics of the song "tomorrow will be better":
誰能不顧自己的家園 拋開記憶中的童年

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Did you remember the song "Wannabe" by Spice Girls?

Today, I met several senior high school classmates of "Honest" class. It's easy to talk with them although we didn't gather together for a long time.  I was a little excited and felt warm after this meeting.  When listened to everyone talking about their worrying, A thought flashed through my mind which is about the "Girls Power" we owned ten years ago. Today what we need is "Woman Power." the power to take care of ourselves, our parents, work....etc.

When IU-Chin told us now the first year's school ID number is "63510XX.", we all were surprised that ten years has passed. God bless me to have many positive and friendly friends since I was born. They made me realize that being supported and supporting others is a kind of happiness.
 My friends, wherever you are, I always pray for you and wish you all are fine. Keep contact!    

flashed through my mind= 閃過腦海=flash in front of my eyes=閃過眼前

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